
Week 4-5

bencana migu ke 4-5..
+ electronic - 16/8
+ cicuit - node+mesh - 10/8
+ math -1st&2nd - 11/8
+ techcom week 5
+ mechanics week 7
+ digital - xtaw ag..
(jgn ingatkn sir.. hahah)

*for circuit x comfem ag.. tatau la plak kalo MFAH nk wt suspen ag.. :) juz be ready guyz..

aku ade upload complete set of past-year-phase-test-n-exercise.. sape beli aritu rugi ar.. aku bg free je kat korang.. kalo korang beli korang dpt phase test je.. kalo korank donlot sini dpt past year skali.. tpi utk topik node-supernode-mesh-supermesh je ar.. bole usya circuit theory punye tab.. or klik sini utk donlot teros.. nota digital pon ade.. korank bley print jerk..



